Wednesday, February 27, 2008

November 4th 1999 - Where was Barack?

BigHead DC is reporting that Barack Obama was absent from the State Senate on November 4th, 1999. Now, they are implying that this has something to do with the whole Larry Sinclair thing - since Larry stated that he met Obama during sometime between November 3rd and November 8th of that year.

BigHead uses the record as proof that Obama was absent from work that day! Wow!

Now, mind you - the record doesn't say WHERE he was - just that he was absent. So, what can we assume from this? Well - I did a little digging and looky looky what I found out!

Now, you doubting Thomases out there will say "hey, maybe you just searched a publicly accessible database of the Illinois 91st General Assembly Senate Transcripts and picked a date that Obama was absent and then tried to work backwards and link him to a bunch of ramdom events that happened on that day." Well to you I say - Stop being Naive.

Do your civic duty and pass this along - we can't have someone who could have been flying a UFO as President of the United States. Help Save American and pass this on!!!!

*****UPDATE - A comment by a patriot named KEN on BigHeadDC inquires as to Louis Farrakhan's whereabouts on November 4th, 1999. Good question!

Were Obama and Farrakhan together in that UFO?

Where's the MSM on this???

Probably in bed with Obama, the Trilateral Commission, the Federal Reserve and Gargamel.

Clintonite Stabs Obama Supporter - I smell a rat...

The Smoking Gun reports that Jose Antonio Ortiz, a 28 year old Clinton supporter, stabbed his brother-in-law Sean Shurelds, an Obama-manica, 41, last Thursday night in the Pennsylvania. From the article:

Shurelds, an Obama supporter, told Ortiz that the Illinois senator was "trashing" Clinton (apparently in regard to recent primary and caucus results). Ortiz, a Clinton supporter, replied that "Obama was not a realist." While not exactly fighting words, the verbal political tiff led to some mutual choking and punching. And, allegedly, a stabbing in the abdomen.

Now, I'm no Qunicy but I have a few questions:

  1. Is there really any possibility that Ortiz, who is 28 years old, actually supports Clinton? Everyone I know (on TV) is telling me that young homeless people who think they are never going to die support Obama.

  2. If Shurelds was really an Obama supporter, wouldn't he like have a gun or something?

  3. The police report states Ortiz "put the knife in the dishwasher" after stabbing his brother-in-law. Now, I've had boyfriends, roomates and more than my share of gentlemen callers - none of them every put ANYTHING in the dishwasher!

  4. Nothing in the article mentions what a confidential source tells me - that Shurelds was emailed by Obama Campaign Hired Gun David Plouffe just six days earlier with the following marching orders contained therein:
    The upcoming contests in Wisconsin, Texas, Ohio, and Pennsylvania will demand energy and resources on an unprecedented scale. It's going to take all of us to keep these victories going. But if anyone is up to the task, it's this movement.
Conincidence? I think not - what's a big wig like Plouffe emailing this guy for anyway? Where is the media on this???? I'm begining to think that this is just another example of Main Street Media (MSM) telling us half truths and outright falsehoods about Obama and his supporters. What really happened? I don't know if we'll ever really know. But I do know this - all of this is further proof that Obama is bad for America. Pass this on and Save America

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Barack Obama has Heart Problem

It's come to my attention, by way of some very credible emails, that Barack Obama has a heart problem.

He's keeping this medical condition secret so it doesn't affect his chances at the Democratic Nomination.

As you can see in THESE two photos, he's grabbed his heart on a few occasions. He musta been at some secret bad heart convention in both of them because there are some other people grabbing their bad tickers as well! And some soldier with a bad eye too! Where does this guy hang out?

I can't think of any other explanation for these photos, since it's common knowledge that Barack does not say the Pledge of Allegiance.

We have to spread the word to make sure someone with a bad heart isn't our next President.

Pass it on and Save America!

Why the Media Doesn't Ask Obama Hard Questions

There's good reason the media doesn't ask Obama the hard questions.

I remember a story someone told me. It's the kind of story you hear not from someone who was there, but from someone who knew someone who knew someone who was there.

There was another network that once asked Obama a really hard question - it was math I think.

So later that night, Obama goes in, and kills everyone in the newsroom - the producers, the techs, the anchor, everyone, until he gets to the last producer.

He lets the last producer go.

Then he waits until the election is over and then he goes after the rest of the network.

He kills their kids, he kills their wives, he kills their parents and their parents' friends. He burns down the houses they live in and the studios they work in, he kills advertisers that owe them money.

And like that he was gone.


Nobody has ever seen him since. He becomes a myth, a spook story that media people tell their kids at night. "Rat on your pop, and Barak Obama will get you."

And no-one ever really believes.

You see, Wolf Blitzer once told me he didn't believe in God, but was afraid of him.

Now, I believe in God and the only thing I am afraid of in this world is Barack Obama.

Remeber, the greatest trick Obama ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

And like that... he was gone.

Obama is a Muslin!

New allegations have surfaced that Barack Obama is a MUSLIN!!! The pictures are all over the internet - here is one of them.

As you can see right here, it's true:
Now I don't claim to be an expert, but when I did a GOOGLE search I found this!!!!

If you use MS PAINT, you can zoom the image and looky looky what you find!

Now like I said, I'm not an expert - but that thingy on his head (my cleaning woman calls it a dooby-rag I think) is a Muslin if I ever saw one. Pass this on and Save America!

Sinclair/Obama Picture Surfaces

News Flash:

It seems a picture* has surfaced that may shed light on the the relationship between Barack Obama and Larry Sinlcair

Now I don't know much about photography, but this looks like pretty damming evidence to me. Perhaps someone should comment on this new evidence.

*Satire - Photo was poorly photoshopped. To date, no photo exists of Obama and Sinclair together

Mr. Larry Sinclair

Larry Sinclair is all over the web spouting about Obama. I received this email from someone - I don't know who it is - but since Sinclair likes to post his emails, I'll post mine as well. BTW, I've forwarded it to BigHeadDC - but I don't know if they'll publish it - being all into the facts and all that as they are:

From: Lawrence Sinclair*
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 12:30:27 PM
Subject: Shut up

You are a liar. I am not giving you a name of the person who told me Parisi's credit cards was decliened. You are working for Obama and Axelrod and you would probably kill them or something. They are afraid just like all people involved are afraid of obama. I know who you are - your are Dr. Murray and I know you were in LA for the lie detector test. You are trying to stop me. I know my wiener smells like cake - but you can't stop the feeling anymore - I've forgotten what I've started fighting for. So throw away Bobby Orr and shut up. Bling blang bing - emails are easy to fake. I'm a fake and so is my wiener.

Your friend,

Poopy McPooperson and the flying Anus Brigade

*email is satire and not from Larry Sinclair - it just shows how easy it is to phony up an email

It's Not Just A Name

It's Not Just A Name
It's a Movement