Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mr. Larry Sinclair

Larry Sinclair is all over the web spouting about Obama. I received this email from someone - I don't know who it is - but since Sinclair likes to post his emails, I'll post mine as well. BTW, I've forwarded it to BigHeadDC - but I don't know if they'll publish it - being all into the facts and all that as they are:

From: Lawrence Sinclair*
To: russell_tupper@hotmail.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 12:30:27 PM
Subject: Shut up

You are a liar. I am not giving you a name of the person who told me Parisi's credit cards was decliened. You are working for Obama and Axelrod and you would probably kill them or something. They are afraid just like all people involved are afraid of obama. I know who you are - your are Dr. Murray and I know you were in LA for the lie detector test. You are trying to stop me. I know my wiener smells like cake - but you can't stop the feeling anymore - I've forgotten what I've started fighting for. So throw away Bobby Orr and shut up. Bling blang bing - emails are easy to fake. I'm a fake and so is my wiener.

Your friend,

Poopy McPooperson and the flying Anus Brigade

*email is satire and not from Larry Sinclair - it just shows how easy it is to phony up an email

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