Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Why the Media Doesn't Ask Obama Hard Questions

There's good reason the media doesn't ask Obama the hard questions.

I remember a story someone told me. It's the kind of story you hear not from someone who was there, but from someone who knew someone who knew someone who was there.

There was another network that once asked Obama a really hard question - it was math I think.

So later that night, Obama goes in, and kills everyone in the newsroom - the producers, the techs, the anchor, everyone, until he gets to the last producer.

He lets the last producer go.

Then he waits until the election is over and then he goes after the rest of the network.

He kills their kids, he kills their wives, he kills their parents and their parents' friends. He burns down the houses they live in and the studios they work in, he kills advertisers that owe them money.

And like that he was gone.


Nobody has ever seen him since. He becomes a myth, a spook story that media people tell their kids at night. "Rat on your pop, and Barak Obama will get you."

And no-one ever really believes.

You see, Wolf Blitzer once told me he didn't believe in God, but was afraid of him.

Now, I believe in God and the only thing I am afraid of in this world is Barack Obama.

Remeber, the greatest trick Obama ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

And like that... he was gone.

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